Harvey Bergholz, Founder and President Harvey Bergholz began his career in 1970 with the Hay Associates after completing a Master's Degree at Northwestern University. He opened his own shop, Jeslen Corporation, in 1974. Harvey resides in Chicago, is married, and has two children.
Fred Nickols, Senior Principal After completing a distinguished career in the U.S. Navy, Fred built a successful career as a writer, consultant and executive. He has published many articles about management, change management, performance, systems, productivity, knowledge work and strategy. He is noted for "coming quickly to the heart of the matter" and for "getting the people who have to execute to become the strongest supporters of the program."
Kathryn J. Hanson, Principal Kathryn is a Human Resources professional with eighteen years’ experience, much of it in the hospitality industry. Before joining Jeslen Corp. in 1993, Kathryn was the Director of Human Resources at Morton's of Chicago, and Director of training and Development for Baker's Square Restaurants.
Len Eirich, VP Administration Len has been Jeslen's "Mr. Inside" for twenty years, responsible for all administrative and financial operations. He also provides research and writing talents for selective projects, particularly in the instructional design arena.